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Human Resource Structure

FPCC views employees as its most important asset and provides good work and environment

FPCC supports and complies with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Global Compact, and International Labour Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and established the Human Rights Policy to protect employees' rights (see the website for details on the Human Rights Policy and Human Rights Concerns and Methods). All FPCC employees are protected by the Human Rights Policy and Human Rights Concerns and Methods. The Company did not violate the Labor Standards Act in 2022.

Human Resource Structure

In 2022, the total number of full-time employees at FPCC was 5,218 with an average age of 43.8. Due to industry characteristics, the men-women ratio was around 9.8: 1. The ratio of employees with a bachelor degree or above was around 67.2%. 74.8% of employees hold an entry-level supervisor or a lower-level position, 82.2% are working in Central Taiwan, and the mean number of years employees have worked for FPCC was 15.8 years.

Formal employees accounted for 96.9% of all employees in 2022 and the 163 informal employees (e.g. consultants, fixed-term contract-based personnel, work-study students, directors) accounted for 3.1%. Except for directors, 100% of employees are Taiwanese and hold full-time positions.

We continue to implement innovative organization management and streamline the organizational structure. In 2022, a total of 128 formal FPCC employees were separated (including 40 retirees), which is an employee turnover rate of 2.5%, better than the petrochemical industry and fully demonstrates what we have accomplished in taking care of our employees and their trust in and identification with the Company. For statistics of age distribution of separated formal employees in the past 4 years, please refer to: Appendix ESG performance data – Social

FPCC has been fair, impartial, and open with its recruiting operation and has never hired child labor to do any work. We maximize our recruitment sources through multiple channels and hire according to the performance of each examinee. The number of new formal employees totaled 78 in 2022, accounting for 1.5% of all employees. Most new employees were under the age of 30, and accounted for 87.2% of all employees. We will continue to recruit new employees as the source of organizational innovation.

There are specific regulations in place for the promotion, evaluating, training, and reward or punishment systems for all employees, so that everyone is treated fairly. As such, no discrimination, violation of human rights, or forced labor incidents occurred in 2022. The ratio of people with physical or mental disorders hired over the most recent four years meets the requirement set forth in the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act of no less than 1% of the total number of employees.

FPCC takes gender equality very seriously. Even though the ratio of female employees is relatively low due to industry characteristics, female supervisors account for 9.45% level 2 supervisors in 2022, promotion channels are transparent and standardized. The number of second level female supervisors has increased over the past 4 years, and shows our efforts in creating a workplace environment with gender equality. Percentage of senior management hired locally in Taiwan was 100%. For the number of female level 2 supervisors or higher at FPCC in the past 4 years, please refer to: Appendix ESG performance data – Social